Leyland Torque
Details of the issues of Leyland Torque which were
published in 2011.
Leyland Torque 51 - Spring

Cover Picture - Rather a
mystery: a War Office Subsidy Class
A, Type 5000, later known as the
Model G. Can any reader provide more
Editorial - Charitable status
granted. Leyland production
summaries on the way, based on Line
Nos. & Chassis Nos.
Gift Aid - A plea for members
to complete the new gift aid form,
and the financial significance to
the Society of doing so.
Where are we going? -
Securing our future: financial
matters, preserving the Leyland
Heritage, compilation of chassis
records, and thoughts on how
accumulated data should be handled.
Other Society matters -
Members interested in taking on
roles as backup to key functions in
the running of the Society sought; a
note on the Leyland Gathering at
Gaydon on Sunday 17th July; a
reminder of the Leyland Festival on
9/10th July at the BCVM.
The Leyland Royal Mouse -
Barry Martin writes about a long
forgotten Go-Kart produced by
Leyland apprentices.
What Leyland's Doing - An
article by Steve Whelan on a Hybrid
Truck recently developed by Leyland
Leyland Lorries from Yorkshire
- A well illustrated article on
Leyland lorries which originated in
Yorkshire, with thanks to Peter
Davies for the selection of
Food For Thought. - Allan T.
Condie. 184, Worldmasters Wanted.
190, Leyland-engined Graders. 186, A
Mystery Rear-engined Chassis. 187,
Liverpool PD 2's. 189, Surviving
Royal Tigers. 190, Leyland-engined
graders. 191, Strange Leyland Artic.
192, Double deck Lions. 193,
Experimental 9 Cylinder Engine.
TD1 to Johannesburg - An
extract from "The Star" Johannesburg
of 5th April 1928 about the
remarkable journey of a
double-decker Leyland Titan bus from
Capetown to Johannesburg to take
part in the Show: a total of 1,000
miles in 9 days of travelling.
Centerfold - More
information sought about this
Odd bodies - Feature edited
by Bob Kell. |
Leyland Cub SKP, RJ 9631. "Royal
Iris", Leyland Titan PD1A, AHF 365.
London Transport, Leyland Tigers, AG
4145 & VA 8890. Pilot Coaches, High
Wycombe, Leyland Royal Tiger, PBH
18. NIRTB/Ulster Transport
Authority, Leyland Titans. Tantivy
Cheetah J 6798, Imperial, Liverpool,
Leyland Tiger (TS2?) J Reed, Bebside,
Tiger SP1, JP 7009 |
Plymouth to Warsaw 1945 - An
article by Ron Phillips. Ten
Plymouth buses, two TD2s and eight
TD4c were purchased and exported by
UNRRA to help war-torn European
countries to return to normality.
Chassis Production from 1944
- Don Hilton has produced a summary,
reproduced in the magazine, of
Leyland bus & truck production from
1944, based on blocks of chassis
numbers built.
Leyland Gas Turbine Trucks -
Gary Dwyer writes about some
hitherto unknown vehicles which have
recently been identified from
chassis build records.
Letters To The Editor -
"Street Jewellery" - from Paul Lacey,
Wokingham. Tiger Bronze - from Stan
Smit, Holland. Rangoon Tiger Cub -
from Richard Peskett. Titan TD5 v.
TD7 - from Bob Kell, Durham.
Platform Lorries in Torque 48 - from
Neil Steele, Cheadle. Leyland
6-wheelers - from Brian Veale MBE,
Salop. Leopard still in service -
from Bill Cowan, NZ Grandad's
Leyland Badger - from John Fallon,
West Lothian. NZ Six-wheeled Tiger -
from Peter Tulloch.
The rear cover - Titan TD7:
why don't the fronts of buses look
like this now? Maker and model names
proudly displayed and a registration
number that meant something to a
local area.
Tailpiece - A lorry with a
"Sunshine Roof" taken on 6th May
1933. A TSC7 Beaver, OJ9147 is
pictured. There is also an article
with more about this vehicle,
produced for Parkinson Stove Co Ltd.
Sales & Wants - Adverts |
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Leyland Torque 52 - Summer

Cover Picture - A left-hand
drive Super Hippo, one of the Shop
Wagons of Leyland Motors Ltd.
Editorial - Back No's of our
magazine, and subjects for articles.
Gift Aid.
Society Topics - Gift Aid.
Leyland Gathering at Gaydon, 2011.
Where Are We Going? A discussion
concerning the future of The Leyland
Society. Get The Taxman To Help The
Leyland Society.
What Leyland's Doing - Steve
Whelan. Modifications and
development work continues with
military vehicles. A short article.
Leyland Lorries From Liverpool
- Peter Davies. 6 pages of photos
that bring back memories of street
scenes of the Dock Road, and other
parts of Merseyside.
Food For Thought - Allan T.
Condie. 186. A Mystery Chassis. 187,
Liverpool PD 2's. 190, Leyland-engined
Graders. 191. Strange Leyland Artic.
192. Double Deck Lions. 193.
Experimental 9 Cylinder Engine. 194.
Differences between the E.170/1,
E.175 and E.181 engines? 195.
Leyland Cubs in Belgium.
Alexander's Ex-Sheffield
Collection - Allan Condie. An
interesting article that looks at
the problems of running a company in
the 1930's when, despite the fact
that these were not prosperous
times, the demand for public
transport was great. A large number
of 5-7 year old buses were bought by
the Scottish operator,
reconditioned, and put back in to
service, including some from
Wallasey. Includes a complete list
of Titans ex Sheffield.
Odd bodies - Feature edited
by Bob Kell. |
Harrington bodied Leyland SKPZ2
Cubs. Wallasey Corp. Titans. NIRTB/Ulster
Transport Authority, Leyland Titans.
New Zealand Movan, Leyland Tiger.
Imperial, Liverpool, Leyland Tigers.
J Reed, Bebside, Northumberland,
Tiger, PS1, JP 7009. New Items.
Webber (Empire's Best), London,
Leyland Tiger TS1 (60031), MP 5420.
Wesley, Stoke Goldingham, Leyland
Tiger, CS 5242 + Feltham Transport. |
The South African Saga Continued
- Michael Plunkett. Another
interesting glance at the problems
caused by distance and terrain in
this part of Africa. Some good
Centerfold - A photograph
from 9th November 1953, showing 99
Leyland Titans in the Wallshaw
Street garage of Oldham Corporation
Once They Built Leylands In The
Holy Land - Benni Haspel. This
most interesting article takes a
detailed look at Leyland Ashdod.
This company, formed in 1963,
produced thousands of trucks and
buses for use in this part of the
Leyland Gnus For Ireland In 1937?
- Cyril McIntyre. This single deck
bus chassis was launched at the 1937
Commercial Motor Show, and Cyril
gives the reader the report written
by the 2 Engineers from the Great
Southern Railways Omnibus Dept. It
appears to be a very modern looking
bus, very much ahead of it's time.
44 seats, all forward facing, 2
front steering axles, and a higher
floor space, 4 feet longer than the
32 seater. Unfortunately, no order
was placed.
Recent New Books - 3
reviewed, all about buses, Maidstone
& Dist, Newbury & Dist, and Ribble.
Letters To The Editor -
Centre Spread Photo Torque 51,
several letters & E mails. Fr.
Cover, Torque 51, Maurice Doggett.
Southdown Six Wheeler model, Gerry
Bixley. Mystery Lion, John Bennett.
Ergo in Rockhampton, Queensland,
Phil Dixon. " Braidwood Bodied" Fire
Engines, Peter Barker, Darlington.
For Sale - 0.600 Oil Filters
& a TS1 Chassis.
The rear cover - A Leyland
Royal Tiger coach, model PSU1/15
with Leyland C41C body outside the
South Works entrance.
Tailpiece - A much travelled
ex-Warrington PD2 in the colours of
Warrington Coach Lines, on the
entrance road to Warrington Bus
Depot. |
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Leyland Torque 53- Autumn

Cover Picture - A Leyland
Cub with Burlingham C28R body,
having been sold to W Robinson &
Sons in March 1934
Editorial - Charitable
Status, Copying photos, Odd Bodies
and the AGM
Society Matters - Gift Aid,
Leyland Society AGM, Membership
Renewals, Society Gathering, Gaydon
Gathering at Gaydon - A full
report on the Gathering. There is a
full report on the Gathering on the
website, too.
Transport Trust Awards - Cash
awards given towards various Leyland
products that have been restored. A
note on next years awards.
What Leyland's Doing - Steve
Whelan. Details of Leyland Trucks
involvement in local affairs, which
included Christmas Party in December
and a family fun day in June.
Employees demonstrating to the
locals, Schools and Colleges, what
the Company is all about.
Food For Thought - Allan T.
Condie. 190. Leyland Engined
Graders. 192. Double Deck Lions.
195. Leyland Cubs in Belgium. 196.
Retriever Crash Tender. 197.
"Jack-in-the-Box" Differential
Fergusson & Rackham, Chief
Engineers - Alan Townsin.
Extracts from Alan's letter giving
us a lot of background information
on these two individuals, and others
in the 1920's.
Leyland Lorries For Loads -
Lorries from London - Peter J
Davies. 6 pages of photos of working
lorries. All post war except 2
Centerfold -
A view at the back of South Works in
March 1945 showing 36 Leyland Hippos
for the War Office.
Odd bodies - Feature edited
by Bob Kell. |
Harrington bodied Leyland SKPZ2
Cubs. Red & White, Leyland Tiger
TS2, GC 8220. Strachan-bodied
coaches of Wigan, PS1s, JP
6514/7009. Webber (Empires Best),
Leyland Tiger TS1 (60031), MP 5420.
Wesley, Stoke Goldington, Leyland
Tiger TS7, CS 5242. Feltham
Transport, Leyland Tiger TS1, MS
8834. Charles (Alexandra Coaches),
London, Leyland Tiger TS4, AME 460.
Broadway Coaches, Leyland Tiger
TS2?, VO 2364. |
Do You Have The Right Image?
- Mike Sutcliffe MBE. A detailed
article giving us a vast amount of
information and technical know how
on the subject of copying
photographs. Includes examples of "
Before & After" photos.
Leyland Titan PD1 Radiators,
Leicester - Maurice Darnes. An
account of the radiators which were
chrome plated and/or painted on
these smart looking Leicester buses.
( Also Birkenhead, DB.)
Letters To The Editor -
Torque Converters, Laurence Eccles.
Torque Converters, also Ashdod,
Raymond Jackson. Leyland in Wartime,
Colin Thirlwall. Lynx Shop Wagon,
also Tanks, Harold Rushton.
Sheffield & South Africa, Peter
Greaves. Leyland Steam Wagon in
Australia, Catherine Willmot. Appeal
for Photographs, Paul Lacey. Society
Journal No. 13, Robin Hannay.
Leyland Octopus Part 2. Leyland
Motors in Wartime. North Western
Tigers. The Ergomatic Cab, Part 1.
Sales - Radiator Mounting
Rubbers, O.600 engine oil filters.
The rear cover - A prototype
Leyland Cub KG1 seen crossing
Hammersmith Bridge in London in
April 1931.
Tailpiece - A snowy line-up
of Leyland Titan PD2 chassis at
South Works, pictured by the Leyland
Photographer on 4th December 1950. |
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Leyland Torque. |
Leyland Torque 54 - Summer

Cover Picture - A
magnificent pre-1930 Leyland Fire
Editorial - This years AGM,
Leyland in Israel, Ashdod, Ashok in
India, and other countries overseas.
Request for help from our Members
Society Matters - Help needed
for "Leyland Torque" , our Archive.
Leyland gathering, 8th. July 2012.
Recent Happenings - An
account of some of the recent work
that has taken place in the town
that reflects it's association with
Leyland Motors in Leyland.
What Leyland's Doing - Some
photos of present day products and a
couple taken at our Gathering at
Gaydon last July.
Leyland Lorries For Loads -
Peter J. Davies. 6 pages of Lorry
photos from the 1930's to 1980's.
Food For Thought - Allan T.
Condie. 116, Ashok Leyland. 193,
Experimental 9 Cylinder Engine. 194,
Differences between the E.170/1,
E.175 and E,181 Engines? 195,
Leyland Cubs in Belgium. 196,
Retriever Crash Tender. 197, "Jack
in the Box" Differential. 198,
Southdown Tiger Cub. 199, S.M.T. and
Leylands. 200, Unusual Gear Change.
201, Marine Leylands. 202, Unusual
Leyland Beaver Badge.
The Real Celtic Tiger -
Michael Plunkett. A nostalgic look
back to the '60's at CIE's bus
operation in Ireland. Amusing and
very readable.
Centerfold - A ladies summer
outing in a Leyland Charabanc,
Shanklin, Isle of Wight, about early
Odd bodies - Feature edited
by Bob Kell. |
Palanquin, London W3, Leyland Tiger
TS2, XV 3774. Arlington and Meltz
bodied Tigers. Clarke (Alexandra),
Enfield, Leyland Tiger TS4 AME 460.
Walker (Broadway), Liverpool,
Leyland Lion(?) VO 2364. New Items.
Ashton Coaches, Warrington, Leyland
Tiger TS6, ED 8919. Royal Arsenal
Co-operative Society Leyland Tiger
TS7, BYE 995 & DYO 297. Adnams,
Merton, Leyland Tiger TS7 EA 8300. |
The First Tiger Cub - Mike
Sutcliffe, MBE. Not in 1952, but 20
years earlier. A detailed look at
the development of a 20 seater
single decker for Canada and other
overseas customers, which never got
beyond a chassis.
Thames Valley's "Odd" Tiger -
Paul Lacey. Some questions relating
to the last of a batch of 6 Lion
LT2's. This last bus was changed to
a Tiger TS3, with full coach
bodywork referred to as a "6
cylinder Lion. Some facts and some
unanswered questions.
CNEC & Leyland Ashdod - Two
letters from Raymond Jackson and
Malcolm Margetts which give us some
more information on this Israeli
Organisation in the 1960's.
The Right Image - Mike
Sutcliffe MBE. In this second
article Mike discuss's copyright and
gives us some useful tips.
Letters To The Editor -
Leylands at work in New Zealand.
Summary, Gary Dwyer. Inchicore
Works, Tom Robinson. Restoration
Possibilities.2 buses.
The rear cover - A sad end
to a Leyland Titan TD2 after an
accident in 1952
Tailpiece - A Chocolate
Express Omnibus - the first "Pirate
Operator" in London. |
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For previous years publication,
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